Monday, February 11, 2019

3 Ways to Protect Yourself from Germs While Grocery Shopping

Michael Paulercio resides in Yonkers, New York and is a sports studies student at Manhattanville College. Aside from focusing on his academic studies, Michael Paulercio of Yonkers, New York holds the position of grocery clerk at Stew Leonard's. In this role, Mr. Paulercio assists customers and ensures the cleanliness of the store’s products and grocery carts.

Grocery stores are known to harbor germs. Below are a few tips for making your grocery shopping experience as sanitary as possible.

1. Sanitize your shopping cart. At least one research study demonstrated that grocery carts are frequently contaminated with fecal bacteria. An easy way to reduce your exposure to harmful pathogens is to use sanitary wipes to clean the handle and other parts of the cart.

2. Avoid taking free samples. Don’t take samples that have been unattended or if you don’t know how long they have been sitting out for. If you see an employee preparing cooked samples, take notice of how it is being prepared. Check to see if a food thermometer is used and if separate utensils are used for handling meat and vegetables.

3. Choose your produce carefully. Fruits and vegetables are frequently touched by shoppers and may have been sitting on the floor, in delivery trucks, or in contact with manure. Check for breaks in the skins of the produce as these openings allow bacteria to easily penetrate, and don't select fruits or vegetables with mold and cotton-like substances that may indicate spiders have been in contact with it. Avoid buying buying produce that shows any of these signs.

Sunday, January 27, 2019

Manhattanville College Sports Studies Program

Dedicated Yonkers, NY student Michael "Mike" Paulercio recently graduated with an associate of arts in physical education. As the next step toward his goal of becoming a physical education teacher, Mike Paulercio entered the Sports Studies program at Manhattanville College, a liberal-arts institution located just outside of New York City.

Headed by department chair Anthony G. Delli Paoli, the Manhattanville College Sports Studies program offers an interdisciplinary-coursework bachelor degree that prepares students for work in multiple sports and physical fitness-related fields. The major requires satisfactory completion of 11 courses, including five elective classes that cover topics such as sports and society, sports and media, and sports medicine. 

Students also have the option of concentrating in professional tennis management or pursuing accelerated dual degrees that consist of a bachelor of arts in sports studies and a master of science in sports business management. The Sports Studies program is the first step to careers in physical education, athletic training, and sports psychology. It is also registered with the American Kinesiology Association.

Thursday, January 10, 2019

What Is Sports Law?